Travel, Gadget, Bags!!: Recent Asia Trip

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Recent Asia Trip

I am so glad to be back blogging again.  I sorely miss writing on my blogs hopefully this time I'll be able to help bloggers like myself on my writings.

Recently, my fiance and I made a trip to Asia for our wedding prep.  We met in Hong Kong International Airport - this airport is awesome!   I've been to this airport several times and the place is simply astonishing.  I just wish there's a bunk bed somewhere so I don't have to stay in a hotel for a 10 hours wait till my next flight.  I love to watch people and this is definitely the place to be, Asians, Europeans, Americans all colors you can imagine and I wonder what is going on in their heads.  Some are rushing to get to their gates, you'll see tourists so happy to take their photographs in front of Louis Vuitton or signature store.  I'm a gadget person so I frequented Sony Store and though I did not buy anything prices are too high for me, I indulged myself checking out Sony's variety of products.  I also love bags in any form, love TUMI bags I owned one and I dearly love it.  If anyone interested on fashion, gadgets or anything you'd like to know shoot me an email.

It was a long flight (the longest flight I've ever been) 16 hours from Newark New Jersey to Hong Kong.  Continental Air Lines was a nice airline, they fed us good airline food not so quality food I may say but good enough to get us to our destination.  We landed on time and going through HK immigration was quick, got my luggage and off to B2 counter where Marriott Hotel agent is waiting.  Told the guy my name and was told to wait for the shuttle the max wait is 10 minutes.  I took my blackberry storm (verizon) out of my pocket and hoping that it will work just fine so I can call folks that I arrived safely.  Dang!  Phone is tried to roam but did not work at all.  I was very disappointed and there's no way I will call Verizon without getting big bills.  5 minutes of waiting the agent told us (there were two of us) that the shuttle was ready.  I was expecting a shuttle bus but to my delight a brand new mercedez benz was parked outside complete with uniform chauffeur, wow!  I settled in the passenger seat still smiling and I told the other guest that this was unexpected he agreed.  The guy was from Australia and he traveled via ferry from Guam he told me he was a speaker in some kind of event I forgot.  He stayed in a somewhat like a Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas, he did not like his room as it was smoking as opposed to non-smoking that he requested. 

Marriott Sky Hotel is about 7 minutes from the Airport so the tour was quite short hehe well did not get to see anything as it was late at night anyway.  Approached the counter and the guy was so nice he liked my last name so he bumped up my room one notch.  Got to my room big big king size bed, great table for office work, very modern-sophisticated bathroom and the only downside is I won't get to enjoy it but a 7 hours.  I had to work so I only had 2 hours of sleep then off to Airport again to meet fiance.

At Hong Kong Airport, went to Terminal 2 where the check-in for Philippine Airlines (PAL) is, saw fiance patiently waiting he did not see me coming, he was sitting in front of 7 Eleven store, I snuck up on him and you should have seen the surprise on his face!!! We kissed!  Hmmm Okay don't further your imagination hehe.

We had 4 hours to kill so we went to Burger King for lunch, actually I went to one of the chinese chain restaurant and Kev got himself a burger, he said he's been eating chinese food for 3 weeks time to get Americanized hehe while I have been eating Western food for months time for me to get Asian-zed hehe.

Now off to Manila then to Cebu - we stayed at Heritage hotel in Manila again another overnight stay then
back to Ninoy Aquino International Airport for our Cebu flight.  Wow, talking about travels, I have no idea where I get my energy.. top it off with working at nights for my US job and little sleep on daytime.  Well, I doze off on the plane for 30 minutes then so anxious to be back in Cebu.  I can see from my seat the beautiful Cebu Islands nestled with coconut trees, the pristine blue beaches and the blue skies just made this scenery absolutely breathtaking, just think about it we will get married in this island, I cannot wait!


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